How it works


Sign up for a free trial

After you create your account by signing up for a free 30 day trial, you are immediately given access to your Control Center, allowing you to upload your PDF Files.


Upload your PDF File

Browse for and select a PDF File on your computer that you wish to make reachable by QR Code. We will store the File on our infrastructure and generate a QR Code specific to this File.


Download your new QR Code

Your QR Code is now ready to download from your Control Center. You can choose from following formats to download the QR Code: PNG (Portable Network Graphics), SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) or a PDF File.


Print or share your QR Code

You can now print or share your QR Code. Whoever scans this code can now view and download the PDF File you uploaded.

Would you like to get an in-depth walkthrough and tips for how to create a QR-Code for a Bar or Restaurant?
How to create a QR-Code for your Bar or Restaurant.

Frequently asked Questions

What if I must update the PDF File which I previously uploaded but I already printed the QR Code in a magazine or a book?

You can replace the uploaded PDF File with a new PDF File at any time. The QR Code which was initially generated will remain unchanged.